torsdag den 16. april 2009

"voyeur baby"

ooh, I love this drink. It was the first one I created at karriere and one that I am very proud of indeed. Perfect for all seasons, fresh but with depth so even the most demanding palate will find something in here... Or at least I do...

The start out was a cilantro granité that the kitchen used at one point ( for those who don't know, granité is basically flavoured shaved ice or sherbet, more or less...). Really nice flavor, very sweet with a hint of cilantro. Of course, I wouldn't eat a lot of it on its own, but as an ingredient I could easily imagine it work in a cocktail, and the granité as such appealed to me in big way: I basically wanted to make a drink that you would have to drink through the layer of granité to get a nice and balanced drink - my rebellion against everybody drinking everything with straws, you could say...

I had previously made a cilantro-based non alcoholic drink using apple which worked beautifully - if I ever recover the recipe for it I'll post it ;) - so that seemed like a good place to start.
From there it took me about a half a minute to figure out the remaining ingredients: I wanted the herbaciousness, that green taste that originally caught my attention in the granité... green and herby, oh, what could it be...

'Voyeur Baby'

the drink
20 ml fresh lime juice
15 ml sugar syrup ( ratio: 1:1)
4 mint leaves
35 ml fresh apple juice
30 green chartreuse
a splash of soda


1 stalk of cilantro
1 litre of sugar syrup
1/2 tsp salt
33cl sparkling water

- run the cilantro through a juicer, mix the juice with the rest of the ingredients. Have no juicer? no worries; blend everything - just remember to filter it thoroughly. Put it in the freezer for a few hours, stir in it occasionally. Then, just scrape/ shave off the amount that you need...

::build the drink in a highball, just bruising the mint ( don't muddle the hell out of it! please...), add crushed ice and swizzle. Finally, put about a 1cm-thick layer of the granité on top, garnish with a sprig of mint and a bite of apple and NO STRAWS.

-what with the name?: it's named after a work of art made by Janett Cardiff and George Miller called 'I'm a voyeur, baby'. This is basically an installation in one of the tables at Karriere, that constantly records sounds and stream it to the Karriere web page, allowing you to listen in on what's going on at that table at all times (mind you, we're only open fridays and saturdays at the moment, so listening in on a monday will be kind of a lame experience). The drink is kinda lurking from under the cover of the granité, it seemed appropriate...

Perfect, drink done... almost:

- the recipe above is the original design. Unfortunately ( hopefully, some professionals out are reading this, some of which will recognize a fatal flaw in my planning), the whole 'scraping of the ice'-bit takes a wee bit longer than I was willing to spend on a busy saturday night at Karriere. Besides, we have no fancy equipment like freezeers in the bar so you'd have to run to basement to get the granité... When I was thinking of how to do the drink I was hoping that a couple of bar-sized freezers would come flying through the window saving my brilliant plan, that would have been neat. Alas, no such luck yet. But that would made it possible to use the granité - just crush the ice beforehand and keep on frost.
Instead, I just sprinkle about 10 ml of the non frozen cilantro-sugar syrup over the drink. Being that it's made on crush ice it creates a similar effect. Funny, though, that what initially made me do the drink had to go in the final scheme of things...

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